Ever wondered how different houses are built? A Beautiful house is built with a unique type of bricks. So when you decide to construct a unique structure, you must figure out what types of bricks can be used in your structure. There are different types of bricks to construct houses, apartments, pavements, partitions, etc. We are here to help you to decide what to choose from the best. This blog provides different types of bricks in India that are widely used in construction. Just go through this classification of bricks and find out the types of bricks and their uses and select the brick according to your need..

What is Brick?

A brick is a small rectangular block that is used in construction. Generally, bricks can be made up of dried clay but nowadays with advanced methods, they are made up of different materials like fly ash, cement, and some industrial waste. Bricks are joined with mortar or adhesive materials and can be interlocked with other bricks. Every brick has its unique nature and is used for different purposes.

Types of bricks

In the market, there are many types of bricks for houses that are classified depending on the type of materials used, quality, sizes, raw material, shape, location etc. let us look at the classification in detail.

Depending on the Quality

Depending on the quality of the brick, they are divided into three types they are:

  • First-class: these bricks are considered high-quality bricks. They have the perfect shape, colour, and texture. Bricks are Well burned with sharp edges. These bricks are used in pavements and load-bearing walls.
  • Second class: the quality of the brick is slightly lower than the first quality bricks. These bricks are burnt well but have abnormalities in shape, and texture. Their strength is low, so they are used as brick ballast in floorings and foundations.
  • Third class: these bricks have poor quality and are partially burnt bricks. They don't even have a finite shape or size. These are called economic bricks as they are cheaper and used for temporary constructions.

Depending on the burning character:

  • Unburnt bricks: These bricks are sun-dried after moulding or unburnt. They are used in the construction of temporary structures.
  • Burnt bricks: These bricks are properly burnt in the kiln. First, second class, and third class, bricks are considered burnt bricks.
  • Over burnt bricks: These bricks are burnt overly or at high temperatures. The bricks are Deformed in shape but possess the strength like first-class bricks. These bricks are also called Jhama bricks.

Depending on the Manufacturing Method

  • Extruded Brick: Extrusion is a method where clay is forced through a die to form a brick. Extrusion creates holes in bricks and makes them lighter in weight. These bricks are also called bricks with holes.
  • Moulded: The bricks are moulded with hands and are available readily.
  • Dry pressed: clay is moulded individually and pressed at high pressure to make a brick. Dry pressed bricks are strong, desired high-quality bricks.

Depending on the Raw Materials

  • Burnt clay bricks: These bricks are made from clay and formed into moulds which are then heated in the kiln, so they are called Burnt Clay bricks. Plastering is required for these bricks in construction.
  • Fly ash: Fly ash bricks are formed from fly ash, cement, and stone dust. These bricks contain high calcium oxide, so they are called self-cementing bricks. The bricks have a smooth surface area. Plastering is optional for this type of brick. These are lightweight bricks used for high-end constructions.
  • Concrete: The bricks made from concrete are called concrete bricks, and these are also known as mortar bricks. These bricks have lower strength and quality than fly ash bricks but higher than clay bricks.
  • Sand lime bricks: These bricks are made by mixing Sand and lime under high pressure, and they are wet mixed thoroughly, and placed into the moulds. These are also called Calcium Silicate bricks and appear to be grey in colour with uniform in size.
  • Fire brick: Fire bricks are formed by specially manufactured fire clay. These bricks are also known as Refractory bricks. These can withstand high temperatures without changing shape, size, or strength. They are usually used at furnaces or high-temperature structures.
  • AAC block: AAC bricks are abbreviated as Autoclaved Aerated Concrete bricks and are manufactured from cement, aggregates, and an expansion agent. The bricks consist of up to 80% of air and are at least 3 times lighter than red bricks and are durable, load-bearing, high-insulating bricks. These bricks are eco-friendly bricks.

Depending on the Using Location

  • Facing bricks: The name explains what type of brick it is. They are manufactured for the exterior part of the walls. The material for these bricks is different from the normal bricks. These differ from normal bricks in design, appearance, and surface structure. These bricks add beauty to the building. There are many types of facing bricks, mostly these bricks available in brown and red colour.
  • Backing bricks: These bricks support the facing bricks, and they do not have any designated purpose.

Depending on the Weather-resisting Capability

Depending on the weather resistance capability, they are divided into no weather grade, moderate weather grade, and severe weather grade types.

Depending on the Their Usage

  • Common bricks: The bricks which are commonly used are called common bricks, and they are used for interior walls and don't possess any high qualities or strengths.
  • Engineering bricks: This brick is in uniform length created at high temperatures, and they are strong and dense bricks. They are mainly used for engineering works like groundworks, sewers, damp proof courses, manholes, and retaining walls. They are further divided into three classes- Class A, Class B, and Class C.

Depending on the Shape

  • Squint Brick: the bricks which are cut more than 90° at corners are called squint bricks. The bricks are used at the inner or outer corners of walls.
  • Splay Brick: These are a special type of moulded bricks. one of the sides is splayed or bevelled. Commonly used in vents, indoors, plinth, and windows.
  • Coping Bricks: A brick with a special shape like half round or angled, saddleback, and chamfered depending on the wall are called coping bricks.
  • Bull-Nose Bricks: The bricks have a single molded edge or a single round corner. They are used in constructing capping walls, steps, and sills. For better architecture, Round corner bricks are preferred.
  • Cownose Brick: The brick is similar to bull-nose brick but with both sides rounded. It is also referred to as double bull-nose bricks. All the features and uses are similar to bull-nose bricks
  • Perforated Bricks: Perforated bricks have cylindrical holes. They are available in different sizes and shapes, mostly used for lightweight structures, and they can be prepared easily with less material.
  • Hollow Bricks: These bricks are also called cavity or cellular bricks, mostly used for distributed load partitioning for better insulation. They are lightweight compared with normal bricks. Hollow bricks, also called Porotherm bricks, provide better durability and efficiency and are easy to use in construction of offices and houses. These are produced in two types: Load bearing clay hollow bricks and Non-load bearing clay hollow blocks.

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Depending on the Region

Depending on the brick availability region, they are further divided into different types they are:

  • Nanakshahi bricks: A kind of Indian brick used in the olden days
  • Staffordshire blue brick: The bricks in England
  • Cream City Bricks: These bricks are from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in North America
  • Roman Bricks: The bricks from ancient Roman architecture
  • Dutch Bricks: These are from the Netherlands.

Uses of different types of bricks

Bricks are an important source of construction, and they are used as alternatives to stones in construction. Different types of Bricks have different uses in construction.

  • To construct walls in any shape.
  • In constructing floors.
  • To construct pavements and pathways.
  • In the partition of walls.
  • Construction of cornices and arches.
  • Linings of chimneys, ovens and furnaces.
  • In civil works like Lining sewer lines.
  • Roadside cycle tracks or walking tracks.
  • They are used as interlocking bricks.


In this article, we provided you with different types of bricks, and their uses in construction. Before planning to start any construction like houses, apartments, farms, etc. Selection of brick is important if you go through this blog you can easily select the perfect brick for your beautiful building. For more construction-related topics, stick to our website.

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